Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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95 lines
; Program Name: PRG_8CR.S
; Version: 1.003
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in Relocatable mode and save with a PRG extension. From
; the desktop, change the extension to ACC.
; Function:
; Identical to that of PRG_8BR.S, but this program uses a group of
; predeclared, function named arrays that are substituted for 'control' in
; the aes_pb, as each AES function is invoked. In addition, a path for the
; data file is chosen via the AES file selector function. An additional
; array set is provided after the fsel_input function is invoked, then a
; final set is printed when the message handler is entered the second time.
; Execution Instructions:
; Place PRG_8CR.ACC in the root directory of your boot disk. During the
; next power-up cycle, the desk accessory will be installed. From the desktop
; select 'Accessory Arrays' two times in order to store the pertinent data in
; the file buffer. At the first selection, the file selector will appear so
; that a path and filename can be chosen for the data file; the buffer contents
; are written to the file when the accessory is chosen the second time.
lea stack, a7 ; This must be the first instruction.
move.w #$C8, d3 ; *** D3 is variable for AES call number.
lea buffer(pc), a5 ; A5 is pointer to buffer.
lea aes_pb(pc), a4 ; A4 is pointer for aes pointer array.
lea hex_table(pc), a3 ; A3 points to hexadecimal ASCII digits.
; For each test point, the contents of each AES array are printed.
; TEST POINT 0: Before appl_init
bsr print_arrays
initialize_application: ; COMPUTE! AES book page 223.
; Application identification = apid returned in int_out[0] and global[2].
; Since the address of the predeclared appl_init array is already stored in
; aes_pb, only the trap 2 invocation need be done here.
bsr aes ; Invoke trap #2 AES exception.
; TEST POINT 1: After appl_init, before menu_register
bsr print_arrays
menu_installation: ; COMPUTE! AES book page 248.
; Menu identification number returned in int_out[0].
move.l #menu_register, (a4) ; Store address of next 'control' array.
lea global(pc), a0 ; Fetch address of global array.
move.w 4(a0), int_in ; Application identification to int_in[0].
move.l #menu_text, addr_in ; Menu text address to addr_in[0].
bsr aes
move.w int_out(pc), menu_id ; Store menu identification number.
; TEST POINT 2: After menu_register, before evnt_mesag
bsr print_arrays
wait_for_message: ; Relinquish processor control.
move.l #evnt_mesag, (a4) ; Store address of next 'control' array.
move.l #message, addr_in ; Address of message array to addr_in.
; The above instruction must be executed each time evnt_mesag is invoked
; because the fsel_input function must store addresses in addr_in also.
; Furthermore, the evnt_mesag "control" array must be restored in aes_pb
; because it is replaced by the fsel_input "control" array whenever that
; function is invoked. If these alterations did not take place, then the
; evnt_mesag setup could be simplified as was done in PRG_8BR.S.
bsr aes
; When a message is received it is placed in array 'message'.
; ****************************************************************************
; ****************************************************************************
message_handler: ; Entrance point when message is received.
lea message(pc), a0 ; Fetch address of array 'message'.
cmpi.w #$28, (a0) ; Compare ACCESSORY OPEN code with message[0].
bne.s wait_for_message ; Execute the evnt